Welcome, to the new blog! This week I want to introduce you to the features you’ll find on our new platform.
Why the change? The emotional, mental, and physical capacity to take care of yourself and others during an emergency only comes with an intentional change in the way most of us currently live. Most people are too busy to dedicate a fixed time to learn the principles and techniques that can save their lives and transform the way they live. To come alongside you and provide you the knowledge, encouragement, and validation to make those changes, I want to be your virtual mentor to help you master and incorporate the principles and techniques I used to stay alive in many emergencies and dangerous situations. With our new platform and media, I can virtually meet with you on your time and wherever you are.
The first change you’ll notice is that the blogs are no longer the repository for new lessons. You can find lessons on our Youtube channel and the SoundCloud app. Blogs will be shorter, and each will highlight a single topic. The blog will point you to other related material at the Gary Harrington Company (GH) or other web resources with relevant information.
One of our goals is to bring lessons to you during your commute. With our SoundCloud radio channel, you can tune in or download lessons and commentaries on current topics related to safety and security. Great for your commute or any other time you just want audio! Download the SoundCloud app and follow me at TheRealGaryHarrington channel.
Listen to the Gary Harrington Podcast Here
We will use YouTube for a variety of visual media, including lessons, presentations, and commentaries. Some lessons will have videos demonstrating techniques or depicting situations as part of a teaching point. The Gary Harrington YouTube channel is your visual resource for principles and techniques to take care of yourself and others in a crisis. For example, I just put out a video talking about inherent risks in current Fire Alarm procedures in schools, based on the shooting in Parkland, FL.
Please subscribe to the YouTube channel.
For those using Twitter, we will always announce new posts with links on Twitter. Follow GaryHarringtonCo on twitter to get the latest in information to help you overcome the threats of today.
Facebook will have a compilation of all our current media. One of the new items you will find is a weekly quote or meme. Save it as wallpaper for your device to serve as an inspiration or reminder of preparedness and vigilance as you go about your day. Facebook will contain links to all our latest media.
On our website, we will soon be adding a product page and page of educational material and courses available through The Gary Harrington Company. We will feature products we have tested and recommend to equip you for a variety of threats, emergencies, and crises, such as our specially designed Rattler Self-Defense Tool. We will also soon offer courses online. Our instruction falls into one of two categories, based on classes for individuals seeking training for themselves or curriculum for those leading groups, such as charitable mission leaders or study abroad groups. Through our website, we will also offer Live Training events, and you can book Gary for speaking presentations. Look for more features to come soon to the Gary Harrington website!
I am sending a free Foreign Travel Preparation Guide to all subscribers to our website email list. It will walk you step by step through making your travels safer.
As you can see from all our changes, we are ready to come to you to be your mentor to a safer, more self-reliant, and confident way of living. I am excited to get to know you and committed to continue new ways to equip you and empower you with the peace of mind that comes from knowing you are ready for the threats of today.
Subscribe today for a free Foreign Travel Preparation Guide and begin getting your peace of mind today.
Courage, prudence, vigilance
– Gary