The Safeguarding Volunteer Groups Abroad course is an online course downloadable from the Power of Prudence Academy. The course has four modules with two to five lessons each. Lesson worksheets are downloadable from the Academy Resource site.
We recommend the Foreign Travel and Residence course for individual volunteers participating in abroad programs. Our Safeguarding Volunteer Groups Abroad course is designed for those leading, planning or providing security for groups traveling abroad.
At the Gary Harrington Company, we believe that for those called to volunteer work, the need outweighs certain levels of risk and lack of comfort. Volunteers go where the help is needed. After all, if volunteer work were easy, wouldn’t everyone would do it? There will always be those willing to sacrifice comfort and relative safety to serve those in need. We also believe those shepherding volunteers incur a solemn duty and to provide for the security and safety of their volunteers.
In the event of emergencies, those leading the effort also have the responsibility to step in with government officials on behalf of families and provide a mechanism to keep families and officials informed.
Course Overview:
This course focuses on the management and documentation of the three deployment phases covered in the Foreign Travel and Residence course, pre-deployment, deployment, and post-deployment. It additionally details the planning for group contingencies, communications requirements, personnel accountability measures, and equipment needs.
We also go into depth about the difference between individual contingency measures and group contingency measures. For example, in the event of a crisis like the 2015 terror attack in Paris, the ability to quickly and correctly account for all personnel and report to both the embassy and the families is critical. There are accountability procedures and even devices that can aid that effort tremendously.
How do the political situation, the country’s infrastructure, and emergency response capabilities affect planning and supporting your endeavor? Can the country’s medical system handle your volunteers in an emergency or is medical evacuation insurance prudent? Picture the volunteers going into Haiti in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake of 2010. We delve into these issues and more in the Safeguarding Volunteer Groups Abroad course.
Course Description:
The Safeguarding Volunteer Groups Abroad course is an online course downloadable from the Power of Prudence Academy. The course has four modules with two to five lessons each. Lesson worksheets are downloadable from the Academy Resource site.
The Safeguarding Volunteer Groups Abroad Live course includes:
– All The Safeguarding Volunteer Groups Abroad course
– Bonus lessons and materials
– Two-day live seminar taught by Gary
– 15% discount on Gary Harrington Company products